About the ARtist

Chloé Lee

Chloé uses color, collage, and drawing to create densely layered, moving and still images which explore where digital and analog worlds meet. Her most recent fascination has been with 3D and VR environments and how these new spaces can be used to explore memory, identity, and how we make meaning. Chloé was recently named a Creative Arts Fulbright grantee for a VR project she is developing called Memory Palace. She will be working with Matters of Activity Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Germany from September 2021 to July 2022. She resides in Brooklyn, NY, where she is pursuing her Master of Fine Arts in Integrated Media Arts at Hunter College, a City University of New York. ​studio(at)chloeyenlinglee.cominstagram: @chloeyenlinglee

Photo by Dru Blumensheid, sleeves by Bumesi. 2022


LUCAS MARTINIC - Unity Experience Developer
DRU BLUMENSHEID (BUMESI) - Haptic Jacket Design & Fabrication
M. FARDIN GHOLAMI - Advisor, Hardware Design. Associate Researcher at Matters of Activity.
VICTOR MINCES - Advisor, Spectrogram/Sound Integration. Professor at University of California, San Diego.
ISAAC MUNOZ - Advisor, VR Interactive Sound Design.Virtual Reality Sound Engineer at Qualcomm.
KARA LYNCH - Advisor. Installation Artist, Professor at Hunter College, City University of New York.

Experience design and art direction by Chloe Lee; virtual reality experience development by Lucas Martinic; haptic jacket design and fabrication by Dru Blumensheid of Bumesi; haptic jacket hardware design by Mohammed Fardin Gholami.

This experience is made possible by the projects Object Space Agency and Cutting at Matters of Activity. Special thanks to Victor Minces for advising on spectrogram sound integration to optimize instrument sound creation; Isaac Munoz for advising on sound design for virtual reality; Kara Lynch for support on development of experience design and project management.

Funded through

Header/Footer Gallery

Header Footer Gallery is part of the New Media Caucus and is dedicated to promoting the creative output of our members by situating their work in thoughtfully curated exhibitions that take place across our entire web presence.